The university of Chicago is a private, nondenminational, coeducational institution of higher learning and research. 芝加哥大学是一所私立大学,是非教派立的男女同校的高等教学和研究院校。
Analyzing the Utilization and Management of Instruments of the Teaching Laboratory in the Institution of Higher Learning 高等院校教学实验室仪器设备利用现状及管理的探讨
Institution of Higher Learning& Peking University Travel with the Century Prosper with the Homeland 高等学府-北京大学与世纪同行与祖国同兴
Is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. 这所公办的大学,也是中国第一个最高的学府。
Research on the Application of "Inquiry Learning" Style to Table Tennis Majors in Institution of Higher Learning 研究性学习模式在高校乒乓球专项课中的应用研究
A Study of the Approaches and Means of Actualizing Creative Education in Institution of Higher Learning Child care professional development of teachers on ways and means 幼儿教师专业发展的途径与方法研究
Katharine Gibbs College is a private for-profit institution of higher learning based in the United States of America, founded by Katharine Gibbs. 凯瑟琳吉布斯学院是一私人非营利性的高等学府,在美国的凯瑟琳吉布斯创办的。
One who has acquired the teacher's qualification for an institution of higher learning; 取得高等学校教师资格;
The president of the institution of higher learning shall be the legal representative of the institution of higher learning. 高等学校的校长为高等学校的法定代表人。
But, recruit students unit has authority ground the actual condition of this unit, raise the requirement that prep above three-year institution of higher learning graduates to the record of formal schooling of examinee. 但是,招生单位有权根据本单位的实际情况,对考生的学历提出高于大专毕业的要求。
Thus the Metropolitan University became not only the most prestigious institution of higher learning, but also the highest administrative organization of education in China. 当时的京师大学堂既是中国的最高学府,也是中国最高的教育行政机关。
This article points out that strengthening moral education through discipline teaching is one of the remarkable features of ideological and political education in the institution of higher learning. 本文指出加强学科德育是学校思想政治教育的一个显著特点,不仅文科教学中应重视德育,而且理工科等其它学科也应该结合本学科的特点。
It is a special pleasure for me to join you today, and to receive an honorary degree from this distinguished institution of higher learning. 能在今天与在座各位一起,并被这样一家杰出的高等教育机构授予荣誉学位,我感到特别高兴。
Foundation College of China Scholarship Council ( FCCSC) is an institution of higher learning with the orientation to provide foundation programs for studying abroad. ◎国家留学基金管理委员会留学预科学院是一家专门从事留学预科教育的高等学院。
The institution of higher learning implements its government procurement in order to control the purchase cost and improve the benefit of investment. 摘要高等院校实施政府采购其目的就是为了控制采购成本,提高投资效益。
Jianghan university, an amalgamation of the former Jianghan university, Hankou branch of Huazhong University of science and technology, Wuhan College of education, and Wuhan Medical College for further education, has been approved by the Ministry of education as a comprehensive institution of higher learning. 江汉大学是经教育部批准,由原江汉大学、华中理工大学汉口分校、武汉教育学院、武汉市职工医学院合并组建的一所多科性本科高等学校。
The Practice and Thinking on Party Organizations 'Participation in Decision-making in Non-governmental Institution of Higher Learning 民办高校党组织参与决策的实践与思考
Through the analysis of appealing system of China institution of higher learning, we know that if we want to solve the disputes in the supervisory work on the students, we should coordinate the relations between appealing system, administrative reconsideration, and administrative litigation. 摘要通过对我国高校学生申诉制度的分析,认为应当协调申诉制度、行政复议和行政诉讼制度之间的关系,只有这样才能正确解决高校学生管理中的纠纷。
Constabulary school is medium and professional level, the student of graduation is technical secondary school or be equal at the technical secondary school, constabulary academy is advanced and professional level, the student of graduation is three-year institution of higher learning or big. 警察学校是中等专业级别,毕业的学生是中专或等同于中专,警察学院是高等专业级别,毕业的学生是大专或大本。
Tianjin University is the first institution of higher learning in modern Chinese education, which has a very long history and a comprehensive humanism and culture. 摘要天津大学是中国近代史上的第一所大学,历史悠久,人文荟萃。
Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. 哈佛大学是美国最古老的高等学府。
On Basic Form and Main Mode of Private ( Non-governmental) Institution of Higher Learning 私立(民办)高校评估的基本形式和主要模式研究
Study on the Physical Fitness of Teachers in the Institution of Higher Learning and Its Influential Factors 高校高职称教师身体健康状况及影响因素研究
Dear fans of my blog, please follow me and I will show you the Columbia University, the oldest institution of higher learning in New York State and the fifth oldest in the country. 广大老刘博客的粉丝们,请跟着我来一起游览著名的哥伦比亚大学,这座纽约州最古老的高等学府同时也是美国历史上最古老的五所大学之一的老牌名校。
Elaborated is the discrepancy and gradation in students ′ ideological and moral education in institution of higher learning, A suggestion is made to have a correct comprehension of the gradation. 阐述了大学生思想道德教育的差异性、层次性特点,要求正确理解和正视思想道德教育的层次性,采取分层教育法,真正把思想政治教育做到有针对性和为学生所乐于接受。
Employment of teachers of institutions of higher learning should abide by the principle of mutual equality and voluntarism, and an employment contract shall be signed by the president of an institution of higher learning and the teacher who accepts the employment. 高等学校的教师的聘任,应当遵循双方平等自愿的原则,由高等学校校长与受聘教师签订聘任合同。
California Miramar University ( CMU), is a nationally accredited private proprietary institution of higher learning offering programs through both distance education and classroom instruction. 加州美辣妈大学是获得国家认可的私立高等教育机构,它通过远程或课堂教学提供专业课程。
The president of an institution of higher learning chairs the president's administrative meeting or the institution's administrative meeting and handles the relevant matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph. 高等学校的校长主持校长办公会议或者校务会议,处理前款规定的有关事项。
New Thoughts of Campus Culture Construction in Current Local Institution of Higher Learning& Taking Huizhou University as an Example 当前地方高校校园文化建设新思路&以惠州学院校园文化建设的实践为例
The curriculum system in institution of higher learning falls into three patterns: The tree pattern, the plate pattern and the globe pattern. 高等学校课程体系呈现三种形态:树状形态、板块形态和球体形态。